
EAN: 9781409171768
Nakladatel: Bohemian Ventures, spol. s r.o.
Vazba: Paperback
Pocet stran: 342
Rozmery: 198.000000x129.000000
Datum vydani: 2018-04-05

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Robbie and Emily they have been together for decades. Now, their joints are creaking and their eyesight is failing - but their love for each other is as fresh and fierce as the day they first met....

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Robbie and Emily they have been together for decades. Now, their joints are creaking and their eyesight is failing - but their love for each other is as fresh and fierce as the day they first met. They have had children and grandchildren, lived full and happy and intimate lives.But they have been keeping a secret since the day they met, when their lives changed forever. Over the years, the sacrifices and choices they made have sealed their fates together. Did they do the right thing? Read their story, and you decide. / Cohen Julie

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